Your Prenatal Astrology

The descriptions below relate to the alignment of celestial bodies during the prenatal journey of people born between the dates shown. As you read the descriptions, remain mindful that some energies will be more intense than others. Accordingly, some descriptions will be more relevant than others. Most, however, will apply to you.

You absorbed a multitude of prenatal energies. These are descriptions of the more dominant energies, i.e. where celestial bodies are aligned, within 5°, of each other. This alignment is called a ‘conjunction’, or the bodies are ‘conjunct’. You’ll notice the relevant bodies are labelled at the beginning of each section, e.g., Sun conjunct Jupiter.

If you doubt the descriptions relate to yourself, consider asking a couple of trusted friends to review your profile. If they know you well, they’ll probably offer some worthwhile insights that you may not perceive in yourself.

Consider these descriptions carefully. You might like to print the pages and highlight those that are more dominant. If you choose to dedicate time to achieving your full potential as a child of the Universe, these are the alignments you may want to focus on initially. For more on this, go to the Absorbing Positive Energies page.

These descriptions have been researched by Jamie Partridge at If you’d like to learn more about the aspects, visit his site at Please consider making a generous donation to support Jamie’s on-going research.

6 Jun 82 to 4 Jul 82

Venus conjunct Neptune - you are a romantic, an idealist and a dreamer. It is very easy for you to fall head over heels for someone, and your empathy and compassion is to be admired. However, this tendency towards idealistic love does have the potential to make you vulnerable to a broken heart and disappointment. Other people who are not so caring as yourself, may see your kindness as a weakness and take advantage of you. It will be important for you to expect others to return your love and loyalty, to keep up an equal footing in love relationships. Once you tackle the tendency to over-idealise, or subconsciously ignore the negative traits in another,  you will lessen the risk of dissolution or grief.
Venus conjunct Neptune suggests that you may have musical, artistic or other creative talents. You have the ability to appreciate the surreal, and bringing form to the more intangible impressions you receive would be therapeutic.

Mars conjunct Pluto in the natal chart gives an incredibly strong desire to achieve your goals. Strength, passion and courage are your strong points but an indomitable will and tendency toward manipulation brings enemies and hinder success.
Personal relationships can be volatile until you learn to harness your intense energy. You can be very expressive and quick to anger but it is better to lose your temper than let frustration, resentment or jealousy build up inside.
If you don’t get your own way through force then you will turn to coercion and subversive actions. This dark, sinister side can be very dominating, rude, nasty and even violent. You do have strong warrior energy and should save your ruthless militancy only for your worst enemies.
To enjoy healthy relationships you must transform that raw primal energy to a higher level by working to help and heal others. You have the ability to rapidly evolve through selfless actions. You can still be ambitious and aim for the top. This aspect supports success and prominence but the less people you have to trample to get to the top the better.
Using your charisma, sexuality and power while maintaining good morals and ethics is the key to success. You can influence others in life-changing ways so it is important to think of the consequences, especially for weaker or more suggestible people.
If this conjunction has challenging aspects, it is critical that you harness your power for good.

Sun conjunct Saturn gives a serious nature and you probably had a difficult childhood full of restrictions. This could relate to difficult relationship issue involving one of your parents. You grew up quickly, may have had many burdens and responsibilities placed on you, and preferred the company of older people. Shyness, depression or being too critical of yourself and others are possible.
Conservatism shows up in your personality and beliefs systems. Saturn is hard work and, when the effort is put in, you display the positive attributes of Saturn, perseverance, patience and respect. With age often comes great achievements and recognition as a stable and respectable authority figure.

Sun conjunct Jupiter gives you a larger than life personality. It makes you an outgoing, optimistic, generous and very lucky person. You are also a proud person with great self-belief and confidence. This regal quality gives you a commanding presence but also the potential to believe you are better than others. An inflated ego can cause arrogance, selfishness, overindulgence, extravagance, and waste.
Your moral code, religion, philosophy or spiritual outlook is an important part of your life. The potential exists for taking things too far and becoming self-righteous, judgemental or overzealous. Moderation and thoughtfulness are the keys to avoiding the excessive tendencies.
It is possible to be engaging, warm, entertaining and funny without going over the top. You can be very prosperous while also being modest. A love of learning and long distance travel makes you liberal, tolerant, broad-minded and wise.

Venus conjunct Uranus stimulates your social and love life but is quite variable in effect.
Favourably influenced, the Venus Uranus conjunction can bring exciting romances with enough personal freedom to enjoy a glamorous social life. Whatever the case is, keeping an open mind and remain flexible to bringing out the best of this aspect.
Change is always a big part of your life, especially with love and money. Importantly, this is closely related to how you regard yourself, or your level of self-love. You have acute instincts in these areas of life so can anticipate change well, especially with experience as you get older. This could manifest as being one step ahead in fashion or social trends. Otherwise you are likely to stand out from the crowd in some way, or change again once everyone has caught up with you. It is OK for you to fall in love at first sight and to go with your gut feeling in matters of love and finances. Always be ready, however, to adapt to changing circumstances. This is most important when you feel that your individuality and freedom are threatened.
If you do want long-term commitment in love then you will probably do best to find a partner who also values their own personal freedom. And like you, they may have something different about them, such as coming from a different cultural or ethnic background.
This aspect is known for producing a degree or genius in terms of creative talent. Whatever you put your hand to as a hobby or professionally, you will develop your own unique style and will need a certain amount of creative freedom if working in larger groups. While some may be shocked by your creative expression, at the deeper level your aim is to expose or enlighten through your progressive and futuristic vision.

Jupiter conjunct Saturn makes you a strong-willed and proud person, determined to succeed in life. This generally positive aspect blends patience with enthusiasm and common sense with aspiration.
You are likely very productive and prosperous. You are well organized and take a systematic approach to acquire the education and experience you need to reach your goals.
You understand there are no shortcuts to success and will generally pace yourself well. However, when things do not go your way you may become impatient, unrelenting or stubborn.
This aspect can make you too conservative at times. You should always have faith in your abilities and trust your instincts.
At your best, you are enthusiastic and optimistic while also being quietly confident and self-disciplined. Hard work, training, and life experience will give you a strong foundation on which to keep growing and succeeding through life. The secure structures you build will support your family and bring you happiness and satisfaction. You can lead by example and teach with authority.

Venus conjunct Pluto - an intense love nature. The variability in the expression of love with this conjunction is due in large part to how you love yourself. Either way, relationships are a serious matter in your life and vital to your well-being.
You should find it easier than most to attract a partner because of your powerful level of attraction. Instant attraction, karmic relationships and falling head over heels can apply.
You may become a victim or betrayal or abuse, going through much pain each time you are stung. And this can be a repeating cycle spiralling down into despair. Jealousy, possessiveness, manipulation and even crime may result in disgrace and embarrassment.
Even when in the depths of Pluto’s realm, you can always draw on a powerful ability to transcend pain and then transform your life. It may be that fate sees you visit the darkness for you to regenerate like a butterfly from the cocoon. With positive self-esteem and self-love come the positive manifestations of this conjunction. Self confidence, popularity, wealth and healthy relationships are the result of a positive transformation, or the blessing of other helpful aspects and fixed stars. You will then enjoy the intensity of love and affection of partner and good friends. Eliminating negative association and behaviours is important for your development.
You will prefer friends and lovers who take relationships seriously like yourself. Keep in mind that you find very few people love as deeply as you do, but that does not mean that do not love you as much as they possibly can.

Uranus conjunct Neptune - You have unique creative talents and an unorthodox approach to spirituality and morals. You have a natural freedom of expression that is inspiring to other generations. You approach life unbound by the restrictions of tradition, religion and societal standards.
Your imagination is allowed to run wild compared to most people. This enables to you freely explore, invent and create in every area of life. Some may find you eccentric, scandalous, provocative or rebellious. These are simply side effects of your ingenuity, or creative genius. You can be a rebel but with a cause.
You need a lot of stimulation and excitement in your life and find satisfaction or enjoyment in showing off, or showing society different ways of living and doing things. You are a trend setter and have a great ability to entertain, excite and even mesmerise other people.
You should be comfortable expressing your unique style and are generally not shy about sharing your talents. This can extend to your self-confidence and ease in putting yourself and your body on display. You know you are special and different but you also know you are not alone.
Your whole generation shares a spiritual bond and you can recognise your peers and their works. This aspect is associated with psychic ability and also the ability to tap into the mass consciousness, at least of your generation.

Sun conjunct Neptune makes you a very feeling, sensitive and caring person. You have a great imagination and experience a rich spiritual and dream life. Due to your heightened sensitivity to vibrational energy, there is great variability in how you deal with such inflow of energies. This can range from a spiritual enlightenment to paranoia.
You are likely to be unselfish and even submissive as Neptune raises your ego above self-interest. You transcend primitive ego needs and desires as part of your ego melds into your surroundings. You become one with our partner, family, community, and to an extent even humanity.
Your connectedness can reach beyond the personal to include empathy or communion with other life forms and the environment. With your ego so naked or exposed, you are vulnerable to negative energies, just as much as you are enhanced by positive energies. This is where looking at your chart as a whole becomes most important with this aspect more than any other.
With negative input early in life such as psychological or physical abuse, poverty, discrimination etc., your ego will protect itself by withdrawing and hiding from the negative energy source. In such cases you may feel lonely, abandoned, scared or victimized. To compensate for the loss of external input, your vivid imagination would create alternate realities in which you feel companionship, support, nourishment and purpose. You may dream up characters which take on their own form in the spirit world.
Later on this may lead to an inability to cope with reality, daydreaming, avoidance of responsibilities, lying, substance abuse or mental illness. The void can be filled with creative self-expression in the real world, such as religion, film, music, art, poetry, drama and role play. Turning around early negative conditioning will involve slowly but surely stepping out of your bubble or security blanket to re-join the real world outside. A trusted loved one would be invaluable in giving support and helping to set goals.
The ability to share yourself while still maintaining a healthy ego is key to dealing with this natal aspect. You must learn to set realistic boundaries so you share just enough to keep up healthy relationships, but keep enough to sustain your own needs. The aim is confidence, vitality and a sense of purpose. Too much of a boundary will lead to the examples above of the withdrawn child. Not enough boundaries could lead to being overwhelmed by negative energies, loss of vitality and illness. Being selfish and caring at the same time will be a work in progress.

Sun conjunct Uranus gives an unusual self-expression, which may be physical through dress or your natural features. You may also stand out from the crowd because of your peculiar interests or career, or through your erratic or shocking behaviour.
Change is a major theme on your life and it can come often and come quickly. It can happen to you or you may seek change in yourself or change in others and society. You are a maverick and must expect some backlash if you rebel against tradition, authority or society.
You are ahead of your time and can become rebellious when others misunderstand your reasons for wanting change. Early in life change may be very common but upsetting and cause nervous anxiety. Forced change such as accidents or moving towns for work are some examples.
With higher self-awareness, awareness of how others see you, and higher awareness of your place to the Universe, comes self-acceptance and realization that change is necessary for self-development. This reduces the risk of accidents and other sudden shocks and settles the nerves.
When you learn to be comfortable with your uniqueness you can really shine because you are a trend setter and a visionary, coming up with new ways of doing things which eventually become acceptable and can have great benefits for humanity.
You may experience flashes of insight through dreams and meditation, or simply receive information when closing your eyes. This acute intuition can save you from dangerous situations but also make you a genius in your field.
Health problems may come on suddenly and you may experience muscle spasms for unknown reasons. In both cases they can go as quickly as they came.

Sun conjunct Pluto makes for a very deep and intense person. You can wield great power and influence while also being subject to powerful forces acting on your life. As a result of these profound inner and outer forces, events and relationships in your life can be very dramatic and life-changing.
A strong ambition and drive force you to fully and deeply experience most things in life. This unceasing will power and probing, piercing nature, can be overbearing at times for others. You project yourself in a strong manner with conscious intent, even at the spiritual or psychic level. Others may find this unsettling, feeling that you are peering into their soul. This penetrating nature also means that you can come across as overly forceful, interfering, obsessive or compulsive.
On the positive side, your ability to read people and get to the bottom of matters would make you an excellent researcher, spy, psychic, political leader, boss, or criminal mastermind. Whether loved or hated, you can expect to have an influence on those around you and leave your mark. Your ability to keep one step ahead makes you an effective leader.
You value your own privacy, but this can make other suspicious. You are susceptible to being accused of something even though you are innocent.
Coming in touch with the darker side of life may be a natural for you.
It is when you are down through these more sinister sides of Pluto that your tremendous will power comes to the fore. You have a great ability to transform your life. Pluto’s associations with genetics and evolution means that when faced with extreme challenges for survival, an evolutionary leap occurs.
Following a setback you may go through a period of withdrawal and self-analysis. Strong recuperative powers lead to a resurrection or rebirth. This is often spiritual in nature.
It will not take too long after a defeat for your potency to return. Self respect and selflessness together, can then lead to great power and influence, prominence and even fame.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus gives a great need to be free, and you hate to be restricted in any way. It makes you a quick and eager learner and makes so enthusiastic about trying as many new experiences as you can, to the fullest.
Your strong need for new and original things to do can make it hard for you to stick to routines and structured programs. You may have strong anti-establishment beliefs and be interested in social reform or politics.
You are also open-minded and are happy to let others do what they want, so long as they do not try to control you. This aspect is associated with a liberal outlook and you should also be tolerant of other belief systems and point of view.

Jupiter conjunct Neptune - you are a devoted, generous, ethical and spiritual person; enthusiastic and optimistic about being the best person you can and making the world a better place.
You have an ability to understand abstract theories and merge them into your wide and comprehensive knowledge. Your adventurous spirit could lead to many travels and amazing experiences.
Transcendent, religious mystical experiences are likely which could lead to a belief in an afterlife and reincarnation. You may wish to learn about various spiritual belief systems and techniques like astrology, meditation or alternative healing. It is also possible that you feel you have a special destiny to fulfil or spiritual message to share.
You can also be a very controversial person, connected to scandals, gossip and intrigue. You have an amazing imagination and a willingness to believe just about anything but over-optimism should be avoided. 
You enjoy an above average amount of good fortune but avoid gambling. A tendency to see only the positive side of any situation can lead to loss and embarrassment. You may have a warped sense of humour, be addicted to extravagance.
At times you may become selfish, somewhat irrational and prone to error. You are able to use abstract ideas to make other people do just about anything you wish. Therefore, being ethical and considerate of others is important in the karmic sense.

Jupiter conjunct Pluto gives an incredibly strong need to make it big in the world. You want power and influence and make ambitious plans to succeed at the highest levels. Your intense drive and ambition makes you determined, persistent and sometimes ruthless. Setbacks or failures do not discourage you like they do other people. You see opportunity in every challenge and use the experience to perfect your skills and change your plans. Continual growth and adaptation is your path to personal mastery and prosperity.
You are a lucky person but should not take your good fortune for granted. You should aim to be generous and never greedy. It is important that you act morally and ethically and do not let your power and success go to your head. This aspect has the potential to make you very powerful very quickly, before you have the wisdom and humility to use it safely. A wide knowledge and spiritual development are needed before you amass power and wealth.
Never think you are too smart to learn from your teachers. Before you can wield power you must submit to it. It is okay to be driven but be mindful of becoming obsessed, fanatical or self-righteous. You have the good fortune and power to make a big difference in the world and affect many people. You will be richer in every way if you make friends along the way instead of enemies.
Jupiter conjunct Pluto transit makes you focused and driven to succeed at what you are most passionate about. A mix of intense effort and good luck gives you the power and influence to make a big difference in your life.
It is important to consider spiritual self-development because power and success could easily go to your head. Selfishness, greed, jealousy or revenge should definitely not be your motivation. Instead, you should want to succeed so improve your life without harming others. Your generosity will be repaid and you could make new and influential friends.
If you act in a ruthless, extreme, self-righteous or obsessive way you are likely to face powerful forces acting against you. This could include trouble from superiors, government authorities or the law. If you act morally and ethically you will grow spiritually and materially.

Mars conjunct Saturn gives strong determination and sustained effort in the pursuit of goals. Your Mars desires  are positively influenced by Saturn’s discipline and strong work ethic. The darker side of Saturn can also influence your desires but this by no means translates to negative qualities.
This aspect is said to cause frustration and difficulty in expressing anger, and even nastiness.
Mars does represent goal-directed energy. Once a real passion in life is found then self-disciple and determination should make sure that the manifestation is positive and productive.

Sun conjunct Venus - the personification of love, peace and beauty. You are an affectionate and refined person with a rich social life who loves entertaining and amusements. You are a lover not a fighter and dislike threatening or ugly people and environs. Sun conjunct Venus in the natal chart is the personification of love, peace and beauty. You are an affectionate and refined person with a rich social life who loves entertaining and amusements. You are a lover not a fighter and dislike threatening or ugly people and environments. People are attracted to you because of your genuine lovely nature.
Shopping should be an enjoyable experience because of your good fashion sense and eye for a bargain. You also have good money handling skills and should enjoy a life a relative comfort if not wealth. Investment in art, jewellery and cash should turn a profit. Artistic and creative talent can shine through music, dance, art, fashion and poetry.
Beauty comes not only on the outside but also inside as compassion, sympathy and a strong belief in unity and unconditional love. You do appreciate beauty so your personal appearance and that of your home and loved ones are important to you. You also appreciate the importance of good food, exercise and a healthy diet.
Your charming and charismatic nature means you can easily make friends and can even win over enemies. Your ideal partner should know how to romance and indulge you but above all truly love you. Venus rules marriage and partnerships of all kind play an integral part in your life.
Your desire for peace and harmony together with your soft nature means you can at times compromise too much in order to keep the peace. You could also have a tendency to sugar coat unpleasant realities. More challenging aspects to this conjunction may cause problems with over indulgence or extravagance.

Mars conjunct Uranus gives you exceptional creative talents and a most interesting life. You have an engaging and sexually attractive energy which draws in all kinds of people and all kinds of attention. Whether at work or play, your motivation, enthusiasm and electric energy can excite, inspire and entertain other people.
You thrive on the adrenalin rush you get from pushing the limits. This strong desire for excitement makes you a thrill seeker and sometimes a rebel. You love the attention you receive for you actions and works. You can actually feed of this recognition and appreciation.
Your strong desire to act without restriction can make you a very independent person. A stable family life is possible so long as you can be your eccentric self. You have strong desires for anything unusual. In following your passions you are not restricted by the rules of a particular culture or religion. You need to satisfy your peculiar desires despite the criticism. If you do not use up your incredible stores of energy then unexpected things may happen to you.
Being a rebel and stirring up trouble comes naturally but you can channel this erratic and fiery energy into constructive activities.
You may have bursts of extremely potent energy like a volcanic explosion. Mars represents your goal directed energy. By focusing on your personal and professional goals you can avoid extra negative attention. You may gain popularity and will always create a stir by being so different. Expect to have some nasty critics at times because being controversial is just your style.